Codes for computing local wave activity (LWA) described in Chen et al. 2015. See an example of the output from jupyter notebook here. A simplified version of the LWA algorithm is illustrated here.
- Matlab code
- tracer_eq_1var_2d_local3.m: subroutine to compute local wave activity
- test_tracer_eq_local.m: sample script to run the local wave activity code with idealized wave perturbations
- Python code
- subroutine to compute local wave activity
- test_tracer_eq_local.ipynb: sample jupyter notebook script to run the local wave activity code with idealized wave perturbations
- Fortran 90
- Example to compute zonal mean wave activity: compute_wave_activity-1.f90 and compute_sort.f90
Example of LWA for European summer heat waves in 2003: